
Sunday, September 25, 2011

House Crashing: Family Room

Hi friends,
I know you are all loving touring Alison's house in the suburbs of Raleigh, North Carolina. Thank you for joining me as we tour her beautiful home.

Let's take a peak into her family room:

I am in love with this blueish green lamp and the pretty dish of beach glass on the table. Aren't you?

I am so inspired by this tall basket with collection of oars in it. I wouldn't think to do this. But now I would! I love it!

Alison shared with me that this painting found in St. Simon's, Georgia, a very special place for Alison and her family, is the inspirtation for the color tones in the room. Notice all of the various shades of greens and blues:

Alison recently scored these amazing natural woven chairs from a family friend who was getting rid of them. She has plans to cover the orange fabric with a washable white cotton fabric.

Stop back by tomorrow and we'll wrap up the tour of Alison's first floor. Then next week we'll head upstairs. I am definitely inspired by Alison's decorating style. She certainly has an eye for creativity.

Happy decorating & living,

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