
Thursday, September 29, 2011

Child's Room & Bathroom

Hi friends,
Today on our house crashing tour of Alison's home we are going to take a peek into her three year old son's room. Wait till you see how cute it is! So much personality!

Alison's mom's friend painted the surfboard painting especially for her son. The lantern light on the bed casts a dim reading light perfect for night time stories.

Don't you love that red crab shower curtain? It's so much fun!
Thanks for joining us on our house crashing tour. One more room left to share tomorrow- the bonus family room. It's really cool!
Happy decorating & living-

1 comment:

  1. Such a cute theme that will stay with him for a few more years. Loved all the accessories...the AHOY pillow, R-E-I-D pillows, the tree, the quilts. I could list more. Let me just say....LOVED the entire thing!

    I know she cleaned and staged for the photo shoot, but once again.....Looks like no one lives there. So very TIDY!!!

    Hope your week went well.

