
Thursday, July 7, 2011

Beach Cottage Anyone?

Are you headed to the beach this summer? Maybe you've already been. Maybe you're there now. Maybe you prefer springtime or fall. My family's favorite time is definitely fall, no crowds, warm water and temperatures, cool nights....ah, I can't wait!

Nothing says summer like a beach cottage....

What is it about beach cottage rooms that we love so much?

Maybe it's the slipcovered easy and comfortable furniture, the pastel colors, the wicker and wood, the soft worn fabrics, the great light and views.....

I hope you have a special time planned this summer or early fall to get rejuvenated, refreshed, and to have some fun!
Happy decorating & living-


  1. Thank you so much! You have inspired me!

  2. Dear Megan,

    I found your website and wanted to thank you for including on of my designs (the second from the top) My name is Ron DIMauro and I am the Architect that did that building. It was one of five beach cottages that we designed for Castle HIll in Newport Rhode Island. We are excited to share more photos of them if you ever want them for your viewers. We are so proud at how the cottages turned out that it would be my pleasure to share our vision with your world. They are the ultimate beach cottages. Let me know - email me at Thanks, it was really cool to see my work on your web. Sincerely Ron
