
Sunday, June 12, 2011

An Idea Book

One of the best ideas I have ever heard of from decorators (many decorators recommend this) is to make yourself an idea book. It can be anything.....a spiral notebook, a yellow legal pad, a beautifully bound leather book, a journal, a folder, whatever.

My idea book is a three ring white binder with plastic sleeves so I can add pages as I want or take them out. What's interesting is, I never take pictures out.

Here's my Idea Book:

Whenever you find a paint color, piece of furniture, a room, artwork, fabric, a house.....that you like, you simply rip it out and put it in your book. Over time you will start to discover your style. I started keeping an idea book about 15 years ago. My style has changed a little over time but it's mostly still the same. I've got my idea book arranged in sections:
  • houses I like
  • living rooms
  • dining rooms
  • bedrooms
  • kitchen
  • detail ideas
  • paint colors
  • furniture
I recommend that my clients keep an idea book. This helps me to hone in their decorating style.
What type of book would work for you? What sections would work for you?

You will see that I like cool blues, greens, and natural woods with lots of white.....I love slipcovered furniture, hardwood floors, breezy fun cotton fabrics....

Some paint colors I am liking and considering using:

What about you? Do you keep an idea book? Do you want to start? What magazines/catalogues will you use for inspiration? Some of my favorites are:

  • Pottery Barn
  • Coastal Living
  • Country Living
I love to pull out my idea book and get inspiration. I might be inspired to move a piece of furniture to a different room or change an arrangement on a shelf. My idea book motivates me to create a home I love.

Happy decorating and living-
Contact me if you want help decorating a room in your home. Let's work together.

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