
Monday, May 23, 2011

Birthday Highlights

Well, we're home sweet home now back in Raleigh, NC but I just had to post some of the birthday highlights from this past Birthdays at the Beach trip for my husband, Steve (40) and our daughter, Bryce (5).

The day started with present opening:

Scooby Doo and his Mystery Crew friends are definitely what's hot right now in the Brewer household!

Here is Bryce dressed up as Daphne, her favorite Scooby Doo character:

40 looks great on Steve, doesn't it?

After present opening, there was lots of beach time:
Steve's mom was able to join us at the beach to help us celebrate.

Cake time:

Later, we rode rides at Broadway on the Beach (yes, Bryce did chose to wear her Daphne costume to ride rides, minus the wig, and two girls actually recognized that she was Daphne, obviously other Scooby Doo fans!):

We ended the birthday bash at night looking for crabs on the beach with flashlights (an old Law family tradition) and we saw hundreds!!!!! Perfect way to end the day! :)

Happy decorating and living,

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