
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Cornado Island...You're Gorgeous!!!!

Since Steve had to work today...okay, that's really why we're in Sand Diego right now, I was on my own. I told him to take the rental car and fended for myself today. I really just wanted to walk along the waterways in front of our hotel and relax/read by the pool and that's exactly what I did.

Currently working on reading Kate Morton's The House at Riverton. I have to admit that I loved her book The Forgotten Garden but this one I am not loving so much but am trying to. Recently finished Cutting for Stone which ended so amazingly- I LOVED the last 100 or so pages. I need some really good books to read this summer. Please recommend.....

Once Steve returned to the hotel from work we headed over the bridge (Steve is completely afraid of heights and insisted that I drive and in the left hand lane too) to Cornado Island. That island is so gorgeous! Wow! Flowers, flowers, even smells good:

We loved walking around Cornado Island admiring the scenes, smells, and more:

We found an amazing seafood restaurant with a wonderful water view:

Good-bye Cornado, I am headed back to home sweet home tomorrow:

Happy decorating and living-

La Jolla is beautiful!!!

Steve and I spent yesterday afternoon in the La Jolla area. Man, oh man! It's gorgeous! It blew my mind how much of the Pacific Ocean you can see. I am so use to the Atlantic Ocean and a relatively flat landscape (which by the way is beautiful too) so to see the expanse of the ocean from a high location is just breathtaking!!!!!

It was also very cool to see the seals (is that what they were?) on the rocks:

Here I asked a nice couple to take a photo of my Skippy and me:

For an early dinner we went to George's On the Cove (thank you Penny Ford for the recommendation, it was awesome- the view! ahhh!) (you need reservations):

Then we came back to our hotel room and chilled. (I got to watch The Bachelorette! What is up with that guy with the mask? Really? A mask? Why????)

Today I am relaxing on my own while Steve is working. So far I've gone for a workout along the canal by our hotel and plan on reading by the pool. This working momma is enjoying a day to herself...ahhh! Life is good! View from our hotel room:

This afternoon once Steve returns from work we are going over to Cornado Island to check it out. Any recommendations of where to eat on Cornado Island?

Then back to reality and kids and work and pets tomorrow.

Happy decorating and living-

Monday, May 30, 2011

17 hours later....Hello San Digeo!

Maybe you saw on the Today Show's news today or another news show that Chicago had terrible thunder and lightning storms yesterday. Of course, we had a lay over in Chicago yesterday from Raleigh, NC to San Diego, CA. A traveling day that should have taken about 8 hours took twice as long.

But, we're in San Diego, CA now and it's a gorgeous sunny day with temperatures in the 70s. Boy, we could really see living here! It's amazing.

Thank you friends so much for your recommendations of what to do in San Diego. This morning we spent several hours walking around Balboa Park. I think it may be the most amazing park I've been to: zoo, many museums, trails, dogpark, restaurants, tea house, gardens, and more.

Thanks to a wonderful photographer and artist, Daniel Peckhan:

Balboa Park:

Next we headed to Seaport Village to buy gifts for Steve's mom, Aunt Linda, Melanie, and Hannah who are watching our kids and pets back home and a light appetizer. Great view of the water:

Next, we are headed to La Jolla this afternoon. I'll write more later.

I am so inspired by the Spanish and European influences in design and architecture in this city. The plants, flowers and trees are absolutely amazing as well.

Happy decorating and living!
Hope you are enjoying your Memorial Day-

Saturday, May 28, 2011

San Diego here we come!!!!!

My husband, Steve, and I are about to steal away to celebrate his 40th birthday in San Diego, California for a couple of days. We are so blessed to have Steve's mom, aunt, and cousin stay with our kids and pets in Raleigh, NC while we are away.

Do you have some ideas for what we can do in San Diego? 

I can't believe how excited I am to read  my books and magazines on the plane- a luxury that I don't get to take in that often. Yoo hoo!

Happy Memorial Day weekend-

Friday, May 27, 2011

New Posting on Decorating Projects page

Go to the Decorating Projects tab to see my new Oyster Shell mirror.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Birthday Highlights

Well, we're home sweet home now back in Raleigh, NC but I just had to post some of the birthday highlights from this past Birthdays at the Beach trip for my husband, Steve (40) and our daughter, Bryce (5).

The day started with present opening:

Scooby Doo and his Mystery Crew friends are definitely what's hot right now in the Brewer household!

Here is Bryce dressed up as Daphne, her favorite Scooby Doo character:

40 looks great on Steve, doesn't it?

After present opening, there was lots of beach time:
Steve's mom was able to join us at the beach to help us celebrate.

Cake time:

Later, we rode rides at Broadway on the Beach (yes, Bryce did chose to wear her Daphne costume to ride rides, minus the wig, and two girls actually recognized that she was Daphne, obviously other Scooby Doo fans!):

We ended the birthday bash at night looking for crabs on the beach with flashlights (an old Law family tradition) and we saw hundreds!!!!! Perfect way to end the day! :)

Happy decorating and living,