
Thursday, February 20, 2014

Repurposing A Room

Dear friends,
Thanks for stopping by! Today's blog post is a dreamy one for me. My husband and I are talking about changing the purpose of one of our rooms.

Currently, in our house this is our small living room:

And this is our dining room:

Yep, our 'real' dining room was sacrificed so that I could have a home office and the kids also have a place to do homework/crafts/play on family computer.

My husband and I have been talking and honestly in the last 3 years since moving into this house we haven't missed having a dining room BUT lately we've been thinking that moving forward we might like to have a dining room. We are thinking that if we have a dining room we:

-would have a larger space to host dinner parties
-have a larger space to host family get togethers like Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter, etc.
-have a larger space to do puzzles, play dominoes, etc.

Currently, this is where we host dinner parties, Christmas dinner, etc. in our eat-in kitchen:

Our little family of four loves having dinner together here nightly and the size works perfectly for us. But, it is a very tight fit for a group of 6 or more.

We honestly don't use our living room much at all. Occasionally we will curl up in there to read but that's about it besides December when we remove most of the furniture and put our Christmas tree in there:

Now, we are seriously considering repurposing this room as our dining room. We are thinking that we will use it more in that format.

All of the furniture in there can easily find other places in our home to go. I think we would keep the rug and the curtains. I still love the 'beach photo wall' so it will either stay in place or move to another location in the home.

Here are some inspiration dining rooms that I found on Pinterest:

I really like this one especially the light fixture but I would want it with a round table:

Light fixture, bamboo shades, light colors with wood
I really like the chairs in this one:

Love the wicker arm chairs and that rustic farm table!
Love the table, wicker chairs, and light fixture.
I like this one but it is too rustic for our space:
French farm

I like elements of this one too:

Love the striped rug
What do you think? Do you have a dining room? If so, honestly how often do you use it?

My next two considerations will be IF we really do this:
1. What color to paint the room?
2. Where will our Christmas tree go next year? (it most likely would not fit in that space with a large table)

What are you currently having a design dilemma about?

Happy decorating & living,

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Spicing it up AGAIN

Dear friends,
Thanks for stopping by to see some decorating updates I've been up to. Those recent snow days in North Carolina gave me time at home to piddle. If you know me, you know that I certainly can't leave well enough alone. Maybe you are like me. Or maybe you're like my mom, once she decides on where to place a piece of furniture, it stays there. I mean it stays there for 20+ years. Boy, in my house, a piece of furniture would be lucky to stay in one place for 20 days! No lie! Maybe I do have a problem here people. My husband did jokingly say that if he were to go blind one day, he would be in a lot of trouble in our house!

Well, I am who I am. Faults and quirks included. Here's how I have spiced it up lately. I moved the two brown geometric panel curtains from the family room to the eat in kitchen so they could be with their panel pairs and I really like the added warmth and texture. See what you think:

This room will be getting some major changes soon in the name of paint. The brown ceiling will be painted white (thank goodness!! who paints a ceiling brown?) and the wall color will change. What color do you think we'll chose?

Stop back by soon and I'll share what curtains I stole from another room to replace these brown graphic ones that used to be in the family room. The spicing up continues over here.

I hope you are well and that the signs of spring start to be noticed around where you live. I recently bought the orchid on our kitchen table to remind myself that spring and flowers are coming. I can't wait!

Happy decorating & living,

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Updates Coming

Dear friends,
Thanks for stopping back by to visit. I wanted to share that I'll have a couple of new posts coming soon.
  • I can't leave well enough alone and I've been at it again re-arranging re-purposing furniture from different rooms all around our house.
  • We swapped our guest room with my honey's home office and couldn't be happier with the exchange.
  • We are feeling the need to paint downstairs.
I promise to blog again soon and share some new photos of what I've been up to. We had quite a few snow days at home, snowed in, so I've had some time to mess around the house and cook up some new ideas. Can't wait to share!

Please stop by again real soon and I'll have some new ideas to share.

Happy decorating & living,