
Thursday, January 24, 2013

Holiday Tea Party

Hi friends,
Thanks for joining me today. How is the New Year going for you so far? Did you make New Year's resolutions? If so, how are they going? I don't really make New Year's resolutions. I did make a goal for myself this year and my husband I made a goal together. My goal is to work on finding balance. I am ALWAYS working on this goal. Sometimes I achieve this goal for a brief moment in time then things get crazy again. Finding time to get outside and exercise, read and have quiet time, be a mom, wife, sister, daughter, worker, and basically get it all done as stresslessly as humanly possible maybe even having some joy and fun in there too. My husband and I are working on building community for ourselves. Since moving to North Carolina almost two years ago we are wanting to feel more connected to our neighbors. We joined a small community group with other couples which meets weekly and I am loving it! Lots of community building happening.

Last Monday, Martin Luther King Jr day, was a holiday for kids- no school. My daughter, Bryce, had the idea to have a tea party for her neighbors (more community building plus a reason to dress up and eat sugar). We are very fortunate to have four houses in a row on our street of families with kids about our kids' ages. Invitations were sent and my kids got to work helping prepare the food. They, literally, could NOT wait for the party to start.



The menu:

Strawberries dipped in whipped cream and rolled in candy sprinkles and carrots:

'Ladybug' cookies (you have to use your imagination):

'Ants on a log' (celery, cream cheese, and raisins) and grapes:

Lots and lots of candy:

Party favors included a tiara, bracelets, and a goody bag of candy to take home. Bryce designed the personalized placemats herself for each guest:

Now, let the party begin (Brayden joined us too, after all, the party was at his house and there were lots of sweets involved):

After all that sugar, the party headed outside to burn off some of that energy:

Here's to a great weekend for you. Take care my friends.